October 2015 Wire Brush

Pattern with non-round wood shapes attached; vinyl spackle applied; casting plaster dripped over wood onto pattern; black paint applied in stripes; 4" unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 18.0"W x 8.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Stripey
Tribal name: Iwal Morobe Province, Lae district, between Wau and Salamaua.
Artist name: Stripey
Conception number: 389 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 267 of 810
streaks in a river
shiny black on matte plaster
ketchup and french fries

Aluminum pattern; raffia;safety glass; black painted mild steel channel base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 7.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Ampu-cat
Tribal name: Iwam East Sepik Province, Ambunti district, Sepik river, Mowi and Iyomempwi villages; May river villages and surrounding lakes and tributaries to Premai village.
Artist name: Miscast
Conception number: 390 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 268 of 810
Kitten number: 019
It's all good to me
Missing limb on a child's doll
It still has some use

anneke kitten
Brass pattern; raffia grass with black rubberized paint; safety glass; black painted mild steel channel base; (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.0"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Anneke Cat
Tribal name: Iwam, Sepik East Sepik Province, Ambunti district, Sepik river villages, lagoons north and south, Iniok village downstream to Leonard Schultze river.
Artist name: Anneke Kitten
Conception number: 374 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 269 of 810
Kitten number: 020
dark bushy eyebrows
I'm not saying she's Groucho Marx
just my memory

on a clean day
One inch thick clear acrylic; lack painted mild steel 4" H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.5"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Plexiglas
Tribal name: Iyo Madang Province, Finisterre mountains' south slopes along Nahu and Bure rivers; north slopes along Kipuro and Kasang rivers; into Morobe Province, northwest Markham district.
Artist name: On A Clean Day
Conception number: 341 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 270 of 810
dumpster diver u.
amazing what gets thrown out
It's as thick as ice

all better
Cast aluminum; raffia grass; safety glass; black painted mild steel channel base; multi-colored repair done with wood, plaster, and green plastilene (oil based modeling clay).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.0"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 7.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Artificial
Tribal name: Jilim Madang Province.
Artist name: All Better
Conception number: 364 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 271 of 810
Kitten number: 021
nineteen seventies
this smiley was all the rage
life is a circle

netted no. 2
Acrylic sheet; fiber netting; unpainted mild steel 4" H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.5"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Netted
Tribal name: Juwal East Sepik Province, south southeast of Wewak.
Artist name: Netted No. 2
Conception number: 351 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 272 of 810
the net is hanging
It flows around the pattern
rough fiber/smooth pane

Spackle covered pattern; cored out bronze rods from yellow aggregate; unpainted 4" mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 18.0"W x 8.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Core Down
Tribal name: Kaiep East Sepik Province, Kep and Taul coast area.
Artist name: Down
Conception number: 381 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 273 of 810
opposite of up
these are bronze filled cores we drilled
verdi gris in time

looking in
One inch acrylic/ poly chromatic; gold leaf; 4" unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.5"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: The Color Of Money
Tribal name: Kairak East New Britain Province, Gazelle peninsula, Malabunga and Ivere villages.
Artist name: Looking In
Conception number: 382 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 274 of 810
verdi gris and gold
colors of U. S. money
this turned out so nice

white dotty
One inch acrylic; polychromatic; 4" unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 18.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: White Dotty
Tribal name: Kairiru East Sepik Province, Wewak district, Kairiru, Yuo, and Karesau islands; mainland coastal villages between Cape Karawop and Cape Samein; north and west Mushu island.
Artist name: White Dotty
Conception number: 384 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 275 of 810
In Australia
dotty is very Abo
simple with power

tamale sib
Bronze pattern; raffia; unpainted mild steel channel base; safety glass.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working title: Raw Sib Clumped Raffia
Tribal name: Kakabai Milne Bay Province, Alotau district, Weraura and Suau LLGs, inland villages, Papua eastern tip.
Artist name: Tamale Sib
Conception number: 356 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 276 of 810
Kitten number: 022
maybe garlic roots
tying them makes it easy
seeing tamales

all black
Auminum; black electrical tape; black zip ties split; mild steel channel base painted with rubberized paint; (Safety glass not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 7.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: B + B
Tribal name: Kaki Ae Gulf Province, southeast of Kerema, Auri, Kupiano, Kupla, Lou, Ovorio, and Uriri villages.
Artist name: All Black
Conception number: 391 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 277 of 810
Kitten: 023
I feel the power
has there ever been a flag?
N.Z. is All Blacks

gold heart
Brass casting sand blasted; heart polished; raffia grass; unpainted mild steel channel base; safety glass. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Gold Heart
Tribal name: Kala Morobe Province, Huon Gulf south coast, between Salamaua and Kui, Paiawa river.
Artist name: Gold Heart
Conception number: 388 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 278 of 810
Kitten number: 024
polished to a shine
all the same but with contrast
the heart is worth more
dressing up
Cast aluminum; unpainted mild steel channel base; safety glass; red velvet and strands of doorway beads; yellow sticky note paper.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 7.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Magenta beads
Tribal name: Kalam Madang Province, Ramu district; Western Highlands Province, Hagen district, Jimi river north side into Kaironk valley.
Artist name: Dressing Up
Conception number: 386 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 279 of 810
Kitten number: 025
thinking Mardi Gras
magenta beads in a box
Rocky Horror Show
One inch acrylic; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0”W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Frosted
Tribal name: Kalou Sandaun Province, Sepik Iwam area, northwest of Hauna.
Artist name: Frosted
Conception number: 342 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 280 of 810
In the summer heat
putting glasses in freezer
It makes me cooler
with boddhi mask
Acrylic sheet; Boddhi mask; 4” unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.5"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Buddist Mask
Tribal name: Kaluli Southern Highlands Province, into Western Province, Mount Bosavi north and west slopes.
Artist name: With Boddhi Mask
Conception number: 387 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 281 of 810
Staten Island trip
we visited a temple
patio lunch too
inner white heart
Brass casting; raffia; unpainted mild steel channel base; safety glass; enameled copper heart. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: With Enamel Heart
Tribal name: Kamano Eastern Highlands Province, Kainantu and Henganofi districts.
Artist name: Inner White Heart
Conception number: 400 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 282 of 810
Kitten: 026
I bought an old kiln
It is a top loading one
cloth electric cord
inner yellow heart
Cast brass; raffia grass; unpainted mild steel channel base; safety glass; enameled copper heart. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. approximate
Working name: Yellow Enamel Heart
Tribal name: Kamasa Morobe Province, Katsiong census unit area.
Artist name: Inner Yellow Heart
Conception number: 398 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 283 of 810
Kitten number: 027
enamel samples
ground glass packets deceive eyes
heat changes color
inner blue heart
Brass casting; raffia; safety glass; enameled copper heart; unpainted mild steel channel base. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: With Blue Enamel Heart
Tribal name: Kamasau East Sepik Province, Wewak district. Segi district: Kamasau, Tring, and Wau villages; Hagi dialect: Kenyari; Ghini: Yibab, Wandomi, and Wobu.
Artist name: Inner Blue Heart
Conception number: 397 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 284 of 810
Kitten number: 028
can I have eye blue?
over one hundred packets
each is an only child
inner green heart
Cast brass; raffia grass; safety glass; enameled copper heart; unpainted mild steel channel base. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: With Enamel Green Heart
Tribal name: Kambaira Eastern Highlands Province, Kainantu district.
Artist name: Inner Green Heart
Conception number: 396 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 285 of 810
Kitten number: 029
so very pretty
every one heated is black
color comes when cool
inner red heart
Cast brass; raffia grass; safety glass; enameled copper heart; unpainted mild steel channel base. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5”W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Red Enameled Heart
Tribal name: Kamula Western Province, Wawoi Falls area, Kamiyami village; Aramia river area, Keseki and Somokopa.
Artist name: Inner Red Heart
Conception number: 399 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 286 of 810
Kitten number: 030
red is not so pure
there is still some black in it
show me one that's not
natural heart
Cast brass; raffia grass; safety glass ; unpainted mild steel channel base; copper heart with natural patina. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 9.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Heart Au Natural
Tribal name: Kanasi Milne Bay Province, Rabaraba district, from Mount Thomson, both sides main range river valleys.
Artist name: Au Natural
Conception number: 395 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 287 of 810
Kitten number: 031
just oxidation
how most bronzes will get to be
If left on their own