November 2020 Trenton, New Jersey U.S.A.

the attraction of opposites
Aluminum raw pattern with plasma cut slits; thin wood inserts stained walnut; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Wood In Slits
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 200
Artist name: The Attraction Of Opposites
Conception number: 1,069
Made number: 1,049
I like my metal
father-in-law liked woodwork
to each his own world
face plate
Aluminum plate stock turned on lathe to a rough finish; black painted pattern; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Face Plate
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 201
Artist name: Face Place
Conception number: 1,075
Made number: 1,050
scratched and warped l.p.’s
black and silver turntable
Wagner opera
blue plate special
Polychromatic composite pattern; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Blue Plate
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 202
Artist name: Blue Plate Special
Conception number: 1,082
Made number: 1,051
It’s special to me
turned on my lathe and dyed it
aluminum stock
alien ham steak
Black painted pattern; Polychromatic plaster covered oil based modeling clay; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Ham Steak
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 203
Artist name: Alien Ham Steak
Conception number: 1,083
Made number: 1,052
uncle Stosh cooking
I ate all of his ham steak
I was six years old
blue collar lottery
Painted pattern; blue paint on gauze bandage; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Bleeding Blue
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 204
Artist name: Blue Collar Lottery
Conception number: 1,089
Made number: 1,053
older workers say
when you get hurt on the job
just don’t get too hurt
Painted pattern; blue painted gauze; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Bleeding Out
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 205
Artist name: Blue
Conception number: 1,085
Made number: 1,054
a metal fence post
a nickel sized bullet hole
bike riding to work
end of the season
Polychromatic pattern; PVC tubing; silver metailic paint; plastic chair webbing; shellac stain; green painters tape; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Beat Up Beach Chair
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 206
Artist name: End Of The Season
Conception number: 1,081
Made number: 1,055
when the neighbor moved
she gave us all her beach chairs
well worn, stained, with holes
12 yr. old Izaya says: "I'm making a boat to sail out of here, and then It will be see-ya!"
Polychromatic pattern; wood; twine; shellac; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Floating Wood
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 207
Artist name: 12 Yr. Old Izaya Says: “I’m Making A Boat To Sail Out Of Here, And Then It’s - See Ya!”
Conception number: 1,084
Made number: 1,056
when done his work chores
Izaya dreamed of big times
during our breakfasts
Chalk white painted plaster covered pattern; barkless dried branches; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 30”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: White
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 208
Artist name: White
Conception number: 1,087
Made number: 1,057
visiting Reading
Donna gave me the white wood
scraps from her mobile
aid to navigation
Painted plaster covered pattern; painted wood; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 209
Artist name: Aid To Navigation
Conception number: 1,090
Made number: 1,058
red right returning
green square on the water’s left
I must be going
brown diamond find
Painted plaster covered pattern; brown backside of acoustic ceiling tile; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: None
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 210
Artist name: Brown Diamond Find
Conception number: 1,091
Made number: 1,059
Monday ride to work
green grasses and wet cement
the brown caught my eye
bonin' for summer Down Under
Painted plaster covered pattern; nylon summer chair webbing; painted PVC tubing; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Summer In Adelaide, Australia
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 211
Artist name: Bonin’ For Summer Down Under
Conception number: 1,086
Made number: 1,060
half a world away
while it’s our winter time here
Vinni’s warming up
Luxor Valley Development Plan
Polychromatic painted pattern; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Luxor Valley Development Plan; Pharoah Egypt Urban Plan
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 212
Artist name: Luxor Valley Development Plan
Conception number: 1,088
Made number: 1,061
all that real estate
until someone has a plan
wide open spaces
happy thanksgiving 2020
Polychromatic pattern with accessories; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Thanksgiving 2020
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 213
Artist name: Happy Thanksgiving 2020
Conception number: 1,094
Made number: 1,062
I first intended
cutlery and dinnerware
now it’s pumpkin pie