March 2016 Alcohol Container
Alcohol container used to mix alcohol with graphite to cover pattern boards.

bling! ring! answer the phone!
Aluminum scratch mold casting; raffia grass.
Documentation: BerniO 3.5"W x 5.5"H x 2.0"D
Weight: 4.0 ounces +/-
Working name: Kitty Ring
Tribal name: Kire Madang Province, lower Ramu, Garati village area.
Artist name: Bling! Ring! Answer The Phone!
Conception number: 440 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 326 of 810
dahling, you look so . . .
smiling at all the gawkers
this worth many pigs!

Spackle over pattern; various baubles; unpainted 4" mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 18.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Iris
Tribal name: Kis East Sepik Province, south southeast of Samap, inland from the coast.
Artist name: Iris
Conception number: 407 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 327 of 810
this is what I found
not even over the top
maybe the next one

kinda asian
Painted pattern; bronze tiles with applique; 4" unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 18.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Mezzuzah Art Tiles - Asian
Tribal name: Kiunum Western Province, Dewara village.
Artist name: Kinda Asian
Conception number: 328 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 328 of 810
Huu always liked these
my first baby steps at school
learning abc's

help me I am sick
White pattern; permanent marker; 4" unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.5"W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: 1989 Grafitti
Tribal name: Kiwai, Northeast Gulf Province.
Artist name: Help Me I Am Sick
Conception number: 435 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 329 of 810
Acme warehouse wall
Irony is, I got sick
six weeks of shingles

Paper mache; unpainted mild steel channel base; (safety glass not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 8.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 5.0 lbs +/-
Working name: S. S. Lisa C. (Seward's Seamstress)
Tribal name: Kiwai, Southern Western Province, Fly river delta, Fly river north bank.
Artist name: Lisa
Conception number: 439 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 330 of 810
Kitten number: 051
save me egg cartons
good fuel in my bee smoker
could fill a suitcase

three metals
Brass casting; silicon bronze inserts; unpainted mild steel channel base; (safety glass not shown). Waxed. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 8.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Three Metals
Tribal name: Kobol Madang Province.
Artist name: Three Metals
Conception number: 444 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 331 of 810
Kitten number: 052
brass and silica
different as a tattoo
blemish on the skin

koan no. 445
Brass casting; unpainted mild steel channel base; (safety glass not shown); Waxed. (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 8.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: None
Tribal name: Kobon Madang Province, Middle Ramu district; Western Highlands Province, Kaironk river, lower Jimi river area north of Mount Hagen.
Artist name: Koan No. 445
Conception number: 445 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 332 of 810
Kitten number: 053
negative spaces
they could be birds on a wire
caves drawing me in

Brass casting; black electrical tape; unpainted mild steel channel base; (safety glass not shown). (Keneseth series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 8.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 9.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Crowd Roar; Bird Feet
Tribal name: Koiari, Mountain Central Province, Kairuku-Hiri district, Hiri RLLG; National Capital District, North of Koita, Koiari, Barai, and Efogi villages.
Artist name: Goal!
Conception number: 443 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 333 of 810
Kitten number: 054
Kiki Smith bird tracks
or a bunch of Ghanians
celebrating goal

capped papercomb
Paper; unpainted mild steel channel base; (safety glass not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 12.0"H x 8.5"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 5.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Paper Honeycomb
Tribal name: Koiari, Grass Central Province, east of Port Moresby to coast, around Sinnuma resevoir; National Capital District, eastern portion.
Artist name: Capped Papercomb
Conception number: 442 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 334 of 810
Kitten number: 055
just love the texture
handling it was as fun
as when i made it