January 2006 Mulled Sand

peach louvers
Peach clay over pattern with black edged wooden depressors; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 19.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs.+/-
Working name: Peach / Louvers
Tribal name: Domu Central Province, coast east of Cape Rodney and inland.
Artist name: Peach Louvers
Conception number: 273 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 166 of 810
huts with windows
many are missing glass slats
thankfully fly wire
Brown plastiline over pattern and over slurry filter with oxidized latex medical gloves attached; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 5.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Bubo
Tribal name: Domung Madang Province, Tapen, Gabutamon, Maum, Kosit, Wokopop, Bobongat, Aunon, Ayengket, Sibgou, Kian, Dirit, Swantan, and Maramung villages.
Artist name: Bubo
Conception number: 254 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 167 of 810
It is called "House Cry"
hospital is place to die
no one gets better
morning wisps
Green plastiline over pattern with bronze inserts; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Smoke wisps
Tribal name: Doromu-Koki Central Province, Inland Rigo district, south of Mount Obree, west of Mount Brown.
Artist name: Morning Wisps
Conception number: 274 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 168 of 810
smell is memory
wood smoke from the three stone fires
fifteen years later
masonite + chalk dust
Masonite pattern with chalk dust; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Masonite Chalk Dust
Tribal name: Doso Western Province, Aramia river and Wawoi falls areas, near the Kamula language area.
Artist name: Masonite Chalk Dust
Conception number: 275 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 169 of 810
ashen afro man
Benny had this look when he . . .
It is a warning
Paper board pattern; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Paperboard
Tribal name: Duau Milne Bay Province, Sawabwala, Normandy islands.
Artist name: Paperboard
Conception number: 276 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 170 of 810
yes it is paper
but it's about the color
sand or perhaps spice
Cork sheet pattern; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Cork
Tribal name: Dumun Madang Province, Astrolabe bay south coast, Gowar river mouth, west of Dein, and its lower course.
Artist name: Cork
Conception number: 277 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 171 of 810
old warped corkboard
deep homogenous color
I bet it floats too
Masonite pattern with petroleum jelly rubbed on; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Shiny Masonite
Tribal name: Duna Southern Highlands Province, east of Strickland river, Lake Kopiago and Koroba districts; into Enga Province, Paiela-Hewa RLLG.
Artist name: Shiny
Conception number: 278 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 172 of 810
look how much darker
just by adding some jelly
the white behind glows
aged styro
Pattern made from old oxidized styro-foam; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Old Styrofoam
Tribal name: Duwet Morobe Province, Busu river area.
Artist name: Aged Styro
Conception number: 279 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 173 of 810
age oxidation
getting older adds color
some wear and tear too
white dotted bases
Dotted black bases inserted onto a white clay; clay applied over pattern; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: White Dotted Bases
Tribal name: Edolo Southern Highlands Province, Tari district; Western Province, Nomad district, southwest of Mount Sisa. 16 villages.
Artist name: White Dotted Bases
Conception number: 256 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 174 of 810
Insects out at night
I disturbed a colony
there must be a queen
hardboard 3 string
Masonite hardboard; sisal twine; chalk dust; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Masonite Three String
Tribal name: Eiteip East Sepik Province, southwest of Kombio; Sandaun Province, across Bongos river.
Artist name: Hardboard 3 String
Conception number: 248 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 175 of 810
music instrument
what will be the serenade?
solo or chorus?
New masonite with crinkle paper applied; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Crinkle Paper On New Masonite
Tribal name: Elepi East Sepik Province, Samap coast area.
Artist name: Crisps
Conception number: 282 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 176 of 810
not potato chips
when in Rome their name is crisps
we are far from Rome
smooth hump / short spears
Brown plastiline over pattern and slurry filter; wooden toothpicks inserted all over except for hump; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 5.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Smooth Hump / Short Spears
Tribal name: Elkei Sandaun Province.
Artist name: Smooth Hump / Short Spears
Conception number: 263 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 177 of 810
growing from a distance
but they are going inward
a spear for all man
mat smooth
Clear office floor mat with dimples on back side; acrylic backing; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Mat Smooth
Tribal name: Elu Manus Province, Manus island north coast.
Artist name: Mat Smooth
Conception number: 266 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 178 of 810
almost an x-ray
oxidation - throw it out
aging adds the depth
mat dimple
Plastic office floor mat with pointy dimple out/facing; acrylic backing; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Mat Dimple
Tribal name: Enga Enga Province, eastern two-thirds.; East Sepik Province, Angoram district; Western Highlands Province, Mul-Baiyer Station district, Bayer LLG; Southern Highlands Province, small border area near Winja.
Artist name: Mat Dimple
Conception number: 293 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 179 of 810
mat flipped over
the points are sharp and pointy
red dots on my hands
smooth jelly
Plastic office floor mat with dimples away covered with petroleum jelly; acrylic backing; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Smooth Jelly
Tribal name: English De facto national language.
Artist name: Smooth Jelly
Conception number: 272 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 180 of 810
shiny jellyfish
peanut butter and jelly
different jellies
epoxies / cement
Multi-colored epoxies applied onto cement; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 35.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Epoxies / Cement
Tribal name: Erave Southern Highlands Province.
Artist name: Epoxies / Cement
Conception number: 280 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 181 of 810
this shows not just paint
here's different epoxies
my Jackson Pollock
cement / cracks
Cement with cracks; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 35.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Cement / Cracks
Tribal name: Ere Manus Province, south coast, Drabitou, Lohe, Londru, Metawari, Pau, Piterait, Taui-Undrau, Hatwara, and Loi villages.
Artist name: Cement / Cracks
Conception number: 281 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 182 of 810
two million years old
nah, only just a few weeks
my discovery
white with foot
White and blue painted modeling clay applied over pattern; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Cat With Foot
Tribal name: Ese Oro Province, Popondetta district, area centered around Kawawoki Mission.
Artist name: White With Foot
Conception number: 242 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 183 of 810
a human footprint
we leave our mark in the snow
the sun erases us
white red hand
White oil clay and red painted latex glove applied to pattern; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Cat With Hand
Tribal name: Ewage-Notu Oro Province, Popondetta district, coast between Bakumbari and Pongani.
Artist name: White Red Hand
Conception number: 241 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 184 of 810
our hand in the til
can we get away with it?
or will we be caught?
blue foot / red hand / white body
Oil clays and red painted latex glove applied over pattern; ( 4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Blue Foot / Red Hand on White
Tribal name: Faita Madang Province, upper Ramu river, near Usino.
Artist name: Blue Foot / Red Hand / White Body
Conception number: 284 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 185 of 810
red hand meet blue foot
which one is more powerful?
one takes and one leaves
red tipped spears
Brown plastiline applied over metal filter and pattern; toothpicks with tips painted bright red; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 5.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Red Tipped Spears
Tribal name: Faiwol Western Province, Tabubil district, Fly and Palmer rivers' headwaters; Sandaun Province, Telefomin district, Yapsie RLLG.
Artist name: Red Tipped Spears
Conception number: 295 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 186 of 810
we are back to red
I have a lot of red paint
red goes good with spears
red felt paper
Red felt on paperboard; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Red Felt On Paperboard
Tribal name: Fanamaket New Ireland Province, Namatanai Rural LLG, Muliama, Warangansau, and Sena villages.
Artist name: Red Felt Paper
Conception number: 285 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 187 of 810
old project remnants
coming together again
given a new life
foam 2nd layer
Oxidized styro-foam; ( 4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Foam 2nd Layer
Tribal name: Fas Sandaun Province, Amanab and Aitape districts, Fas, Fugumui, Kilifas, Utai, and Wara Mayu villages.
Artist name: Foam 2nd Layer
Conception number: 286 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 188 of 810
my souffle is up
careful now, don't let it drop!
volume is double
gold crisps
Masonite hardboard pattern with gold painted crinkle paper applied to front; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Gold Crisps
Tribal name: Fasu Southern Highlands Province, Nipa district, south into Gulf Province and west to Kikori river in Western Province.
Artist name: Gold Crisps
Conception number: 283 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 189 of 810
gold makes it all good
I want to go to worship
I am uplifted
yellow dust
Yellow mortar dust on pattern covered with modelng clay; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Yellow Dust
Tribal name: Fembe Western Province, Upper Strickland river.
Artist name: Yellow Dust
Conception number: 287 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 190 of 810
I am getting gray
blondes have more fun - is it true?
one way to find out
epoxies / long raffia
Epoxy and raffia applied to pattern; (4"unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 19.0"W x 3.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Wild Raffia
Tribal name: Finongan Morobe Province.
Artist name: Epoxies / Long Raffia
Conception number: 288 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 191 of 810
epoxy and grass
camouflaging the colors
I can still see you
black edged
Pattern board covered in white clay with tongue depressors; tongue depressors have their leading edge painted black; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 27.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Black Edged
Tribal name: Fiwaga Southern Highland Province, northeast of Tama.
Artist name: Black Edged
Conception number: 302 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 192 of 810
there is no rainbow
upon closer inspection
see the black edges
pressed hardboard with nails
Pressed hardboard with nails; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown.)
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Pressed Hardboard With Nails
Tribal name: Foi Southern Highland Province, east and south of Lake Kutubu and Mubi river.
Artist name: Pressed Hardboard With Nails
Conception number: 303 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 193 of 810
I ran out of nails
but you get the idea
the rain is coming
relic no. 2
Brown plastiline over pattern with hardened clay applied to facing side; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Clay Remnants On Brown Plastilene
Tribal name: Foia Foia Western Province, Middle Fly district, Bibisa village; Gulf Province, Kikori district, Turama river, Moka village.
Artist name: Relic No. 2
Conception number: 305 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 194 of 810
pieces from old jobs
specifically patterns
who could throw them out?
colored tips
Plastic office floor mat with tips painted red; acrylic backing; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs +/-
Working name: Colored Tips
Tribal name: Folopa Gulf Province, Baimuru district, Kerabi valley; Southern Highlands Province. 20 villages.
Artist name: Colored Tips
Conception number: 267 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 195 of 810
If you can look close
no, even closer than that
you will see the red
chain and canvas
Rusty chain, pressed hardboard pattern; chain cover; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Chain And Canvas
Tribal name: Forak Madang Province, Saidor district, west and inland from Seure on the coast, Mamgak village.
Artist name: Chain And Canvas
Conception number: 240 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 196 of 810
a fall night's gala
dressed up in one's finest clothes
looking rather chic
cropped raffia
Cropped raffia over epoxies and pattern; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 5.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Cropped Raffia
Tribal name: Fore Eastern Highlands Province, Okapa district.
Artist name: Cropped Raffia
Conception number: 289 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 197 of 810
time for a haircut
cleaned things up rather nicely
things not so wild now
hopscotch 1:8
Cement pattern; chalk writing; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown.)
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 35.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Hopscotch 1:8
Tribal name: Fuyug Central Province, Goilala district, Owen Stanley range; border area, Oro Province, Kokoda Rural LLG.
Artist name: Hopscotch 1:8
Conception number: 294 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 198 of 810
girls used to play this
and boys used to play stickball
no one outside now
Insulation composed of large grain styrofoam sandwiched between blue and clear plastic sheeting; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Effervesce
Tribal name: Gadsup Eastern Highlands Province, Kainantu district; Morobe Province, Markham district; west of district headquarters Mutzing town.
Artist name: Effervesce
Conception number: 306 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 199 of 810
bubbles in a glass
medicinal seltzer drink
Or fizzy water
blue curve
Blue plastic sheeting; (4" unpainted mild steel H beam base not shown).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0"H x 17.0"W x 4.0"D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Blue Curve
Tribal name: Gaikundi East Sepik Province, Anbunti District, Sepik Plains south of Maprik, east of Pagwi.
Artist name: Blue Curve
Conception number: 307 of estimated 810 PNG languages.
Made number: 200 of 810
the wrinkles of skin
an artificial color
combining the two