March 2020 Hearing Protection
property of pandora
Black painted wire screen/mesh/hardware cloth; polychromatic MDF; shellack; toolbox hardware; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 32.0”H x 19.0”W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Things Attached To Hinges
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 052
Artist name: Property Of Pandora
Conception number: 469
Made number: 901
under the right hinge
Is that a black cat ghost head?
or “hook em” horns hand?
Primered pattern; hardware hook; raffia; bell; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: None
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 053
Artist name: Bell
Conception number: 945
Made number: 902
oven in basement
made goods for the local folk
we have the door bell
koan no. 946
Polychromatic fiberglas resin sheets; primered pattern; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Fiberglass sheets
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 054
Artist name: Koan No. 946
Conception number: 946
Made number: 903
patch covers for holes
holes that accessed the hardware
foam monumentals

Ice In glass
Painted pattern; painted steel channel shelf; drinking glass; ice cubes; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: None
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 055
Artist name: Ice In Glass
Conception number: 947
Made number: 904
ice cubes were suspect
we drank only boiled water
yet we still got sick
Ice water
Painted pattern; painted steel channel shelf; drinking glass; ice cubes and water; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: None
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 056
Artist name: Ice Water
Conception number: 948
Made number: 905
one night out to eat
we wanted water with meal
five dollars extra!
Polychromatic pattern; stainless steel support rod; copper stripping; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Balloon
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 057
Artist name: Zeppelin
Conception number: 949
Made number: 906
rolled up metal tape
shiny side and sticky side
sure, I can use it
Painted pattern; painted steel channel shelf; oxidized scale weights; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Weights
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 058
Artist name: Family
Conception number: 950
Made number: 907
Italian booty
art fresco on wood and weights
pain lugging it home
here's your crown, king nothing
Various metal leaf pattern; polychromatic Germanic curved bas relief; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 10.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: None
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 059
Artist name: Here’s Your Crown, King Nothing
Conception number: 951
Made number: 908
a found bas relief
had for years in my locker
It found its purpose
big "o"
Painted pattern; painted mild steel channel shelf ; stainless steel 1/4 diameter smooth rod; coiled up polychromatic wire remnants; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs +/-
Working name: Wire Remnants
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 060
Artist name: Big “O”
Conception number: 952
Made number: 909
a wire gyre whirlpool
leaning on a cinder block
at least for five months
dark cloud
Pattern; support rod; hollow elastic tubing all painted with chalkboard black paint; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: None
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 061
Artist name: Dark Cloud
Conception number: 953
Made number: 910
my TIG line ruptured
time to get a new boxed one
impromptu shower
vertical rubbing
Painted pattern; framed rubbing on paper; unpainted mild steel H beam base. (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Rubbing Of Vertical Ways
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 062
Artist name: Vertical Rubbing
Conception number: 954
Made number: 911
vertical slide ways
must be smooth and parallel
like two railroad tracks

oedipus' sister, oedipee-a
Painted pattern; framed printed Starbucks bag with modified eyes; unpainted mild steel H beam base; (Floating series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Oedipia
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 063
Artist name: Oedipus’ Sister, Oedipee-a
Conception number: 955
Made number: 912
on ground at bus stop
a snack bag from the Star Bucks
never even used
"no really, tell me all about it."
Black chalkboard painted pattern; faux chromed circular perfume bottle; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 4.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Listening Device
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 064
Artist name: “No Really, Tell Me All About It.”
Conception number: 956
Made number: 913
If you are out there -
we are listening for you
best to stay quiet
"here's your hat. what's your hurry?"
Painted pattern; mild steel black painted channel shelf; plaster casting; bird feather; black tape; unpainted mild steel H beam base; (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Girlfriend’s Dad Says . . . .
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 065
Artist name: “Here’s Your Hat. What’s Your Hurry?”
Conception number: 957
Made number: 914
my favorite joke
my father-in-law told it
over and over
solar kitty says: "good-bye."
Chalkboard black painted pattern; black painted mild steel channel shelf; ornamental good luck solar cat from Philadelphia Chinatown; unpainted mild steel H beam base; (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Chinese Lucky Cat
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 066
Artist name: Solar Kitty Says: “Good-Bye”
Conception number: 958
Made number: 915
Chinatown was packed
the new year of the rat comes
like Camus’ The Plague
"no, no. the black one."
Painted pattern; black painted mild steel channel shelf; ceramic lucky cat from Philadelphia chinatown; unpainted mild steel H beam base; (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Black Lucky Charm
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 067
Artist name: “No, No. The Black One.”
Conception number: 959
Made number: 916
display case showed them
the sale ones were in boxes
packed safely away
"you can never have enough."
Painted pattern; black painted mild steel channel shelf; flea market wax candles; unpainted mild steel H beam base; (Shelf series).
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 26.0”H x 18.0”W x 6.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: “Too Much Meat Can Not Spoil The Soup” - Joseph Acquah
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 068
Artist name: “You Can Never Have Enough.”
Conception number: 960
Made number: 917
a nickel for each
local library book sale
always some treasure
only in chinatown . . . (and trenton, n.j.)
Polychromatic painted pattern; ornamental Chinese made corn bought in Philadelphia chinatown; stainless steel support rod; raffia grass; unpainted mild steel H beam base.
Documentation: BerniO 1/6 36.0”H x 18.0”W x 8.0”D
Weight: 25.0 lbs. +/-
Working name: Festive Corn
Tribal name: The Great Beyond 069
Artist name: Only In Chinatown . . . (And Trenton, N.J.)
Conception number: 961
Made number: 918
exiting the store
everything has a price tag
I go back inside